Sober Living App

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The Absolute Best Updates you Can Make to Your Sober Living Home in 2021 (Part 1)

Sober living homes went through dramatic changes in 2020 to survive the pandemic - but what about 2021? 

What’s the smart money in sober living doing to stay competitive and keep growing in 2021?

Today, we’ll look at some of the best ideas we’ve heard lately about how to approach sober living in 2021 - shared with permission, of course! 

The Sober Living App community’s creativity, passion for service and business savvy are just some of the many reasons we love creating awesome software for addiction treatment professionals. 

You folks rock!

We’re excited to highlight some of the most exciting sober living upgrades you’ve shared with us lately. 

Without further ado, here’s some of the ideas we’re loving for sober living in 2021.

Train Up Your Sober Living Home Staff

Your sober living home manager (or sober living home leader) is probably already overqualified for the job

Between their lived experience, communication skills, grit and natural leadership ability, they should be holding down the fort pretty well. (And, if they’re not, here’s how to change that.)

You may think that your sober living home manager doesn’t need any training because they’re already acing the job. 

Well, maybe you need to think about training differently. 

Training isn’t always meant to shore up deficiencies in your employees. 

No. Training is about demonstrating professional respect for your sober living home manager’s career in recovery services. It’s about showing them you value them and want to keep them on long-term. It’s about letting them know that you see their worth and that you want to invest in that worth. 

It’s about saying, “Hey, you’re an asset to this organization! Your work matters!”

That’s a powerful message that will turn a good sober living home manager into a GREAT one. And a loyal one, too.

Have a conversation with your sober living home manager about what type of training they could use. Nonviolent communication? Self defense? Diversity training? Motivational interviewing? Conflict de-escalation? Leadership? Time management? Remember, let them steer the course. 

Automate Your Sober Living Home Admissions 100%

Have you already done this one? If so, you can skip this. 

If not, why not? 

You already know that many other sober living homes have fully automated their admissions flow and are seeing way less time being wasted in the back-and-forth paper fest that bogs down the traditional admissions process. 

So what are you waiting for? 

2021 is definitely the year to take the leap and automate your admissions process

With customizable cloud-based forms, automatic data population, eSignatures, referral management, call log tracking and loads of other smart features, Sober Living App is a great option for sober living home operators looking to make the switch. 

Get Creative About Adding More Beds 

Want to expand but not quite ready to purchase another location? 

Adding beds to an existing property is a smart option, but where? 

If you’re like most sober living home operators, you’ve already hit that balance between fitting in the highest number of beds while maintaining good living standards for your ideal resident. 

That means it’s time to start getting creative about adding beds to your property. 

Always - and we mean always - check with your county before making any big moves here, but 2021 is a great year to start thinking about investing in an expansion at your sober living home, especially if you own the building. 

Some ideas we’ve heard discussed are: 

  • Traditional remodels to add one or more bedrooms 

  • Dropping one or more “tiny houses” or modular units in the backyard 

  • Turning the basement, attic and/or garage into legal living space 

  • Adding a second story to the garage

With property values soaring and interest rates at historic lows, now could be the perfect time to pull some equity out of your existing investment to add capacity at your sober living home. After all, for so many investors, sober living is ultimately a real estate deal

We’re Here to Help 

We’ve got more ideas for you, so stay tuned for part 2 of “The Absolute Best Updates you Can Make to Your Sober Living Home in 2021.” 

In the meantime, check out the latest feature we’ve added to Sober Living App or if you’re ready to dive in and see what makes Sober Living App the gold standard tool for sober living home management, just claim your free account now