Recovery Community

Thinking of Opening a Sober Living Home in Rhode Island? 

In Rhode Island, only sober living homes that elect to get certified with RICARES are eligible for state referrals and funding.

Opening a Sober Living Home in New Hampshire

New Hampshire sober living homes must complete the NHCORR certification process before they may apply for the state’s voluntary registry for sober living homes. 

Everything You Want to Know About Opening a Sober Living Home in Hawaii

In 2014, Hawaii’s House of Representatives passed Act 193, which established the “Clean and Sober Home Registry” and altered county zoning laws to accommodate sober living homes.

Your Questions About Opening a Sober Living Home in West Virginia - Answered

Sober living homes in West Virginia that receive money and/or referrals from the state must be certified.

FAQ About How to Open an Sober Living Home in Maine

Maine does not require sober living homes to seek certification or licensure.

Kansas is a Great State to Open a Sober Living Home

While addiction treatment centers in Kansas must be certified in order to operate, there are no such laws regarding sober living homes.

How to Open a Sober Living Home in Mississippi

Good news, Mississippi: there are very few rules and regulations to get in your way as you are planning to open your sober living home!

The Fastest Way to Open a Sober Living Home in Arkansas

Arkansas is an easy state to open a sober living home because there are very few regulations in place that curtail sober living development. Arkansas has no licensing requirements for operators and it doesn’t appear that the state will institute any soon.

Answering Your Questions About How to Open a Sober Living Home in Nevada 

There is some outdated information about the licensing situation for sober living in Nevada on the internet because the laws have recently changed.

How to Open a Sober Living Home in Kentucky

Opening a sober living home in Kentucky is much easier than it is in most states in the country. The overall lack of regulation, coupled with some very pro-sober living home laws, make it an ideal location for operators who don’t enjoy working with a lot of red tape.

Defining Your Sober Living Home Business Strategy in Utah

Utah has some of the strictest sober living home regulations in the United States. 

Consider These 6 Facts Before Opening a Sober Living Home in Connecticut

There is no law in Connecticut that states that sober living homes must be certified to operate.

How to Open a Sober Living Home in Montana

Montana, affectionately known as the “Treasure State,” certainly is a gold rush for those in the sober living community.

How to Open a Sober Living Home in New York

Opening a sober living home in New York is a great way to get started in the behavioral health industry. Over 12% of the population meets the clinical criteria for SUD in New York. These high rates of addiction mean that not only are addiction treatment centers in demand, but sober living homes are easy to fill in New York state, as well.

Why Louisiana is a Great State for Opening a Sober Living Home

The Louisiana Association of Recovery Residences offers a voluntary certification program, while actively discouraging investors from outside the recovery community from establishing sober living homes in the state.

Why More People Are Opening Sober Living Homes in Alabama

Is there a big demand for sober living homes in Alabama? In a word, yes.

FAQ About Opening a Sober Living Business in South Carolina

It’s notoriously difficult to open an addiction treatment center in South Carolina. But what about a sober living home (aka recovery residence)? Are those tough to open, as well?

What Goes into Operating a Sober Living in Minnesota

While Minnesota does not require licensing or certification at this point for sober living homes, recent moves in the Minnesota legislature indicate that this is likely to change in the near future.

How Easy is it to Open a Sober Living Home in Colorado?

Colorado recently enacted a law requiring nearly all sober living homes in the state to seek certification with the Colorado NARR affiliate, the Colorado Association for Recovery Residences.