
Grants for Recovery Homes and Halfway Houses: How to Secure Funding for Your Transitional Home

Running a halfway house is a labor of love – you’re providing a safe, structured environment for people rebuilding their lives, whether they’re coming out of addiction treatment or transitioning from incarceration. But love alone doesn’t pay the bills! Finding money to keep the lights on and the program running is one of the biggest challenges halfway house operators face. The good news is that there are grants for halfway houses out there, from government agencies to private charities, that can help fund your mission. In this post, we’ll break down where to find these grants and how to increase your chances of getting them. We’ll keep it straightforward and practical, so you can get a jump on funding your transitional home.

Opioid Settlement Funding Updates for Sober Living Homes in South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Washington D.C., and Wyoming

South Dakota has begun processing applications for opioid settlement money. The state plans to split the funding, with 70% of the money controlled at the state level and the remainder controlled by local governments. 

Opioid Settlement Funding Updates for Sober Living Homes in Tennessee, Minnesota, Texas, California, Florida,  Ohio

In a selected activities list developed by the Opioid Abatement Council, sober living homes and recovery housing are named as eligible entities for receiving opioid settlement money and grants.